Training Opportunities

Join CATIE Center in improving access to medical, mental and behavioral health care for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals.

A chance to advance your career, and make lives better? You bet! Browse our catalog to get started.

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  • Enrollment is now open! This course will become available in 2025. Course Date: November 1-30, 2024   The first training of its kind developed in partnership with Deaf Dentists in ASL.  This module is to introduce you to fundamentals of oral healthcare; anatomy, conditions, treatment & procedures, medications and lastly preventative care.  This module exposes you to information that might be necessary when working with patients in oral healthcare settings. Learning Objectives: identify the most common diagnosis and subsequent treatments and procedures understanding specific jargons and concepts related to oral healthcare be able to match salient terms to definitions [...]

    Published On: September 17th, 2024|
  • Program Details The Cohort Track will accept 35 certified interpreters every year for five years. Participants will apply and once selected will work through the online educational and induction phases as a group with expert facilitators, mentors and supervisors. Application is closed. The application process opens on Monday, November 11, 2024. The deadline to submit your application is Monday, November 25 at 5pm CST. Individuals selected for the program will be notified by email on December 6, 2024. An announcement will be posted on our website once all participants have been confirmed. The [...]

    Published On: December 18th, 2023|
  • Interpreting for individuals who have experienced Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DVSA) requires specialty knowledge and skills. Interpreting skills includes knowledge of trauma-informed care, how trauma impacts language use, as well as additional self-care for interpreters. The information in this webshop, developed in collaboration with Deaf-centered DVSA service providers, will help you determine if this work is right for you now or in the future.

    Published On: December 11th, 2023|
  • This course will be available October 1-31. Interpreting for individuals who have experienced Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DVSA) requires specialty knowledge and skills. Interpreting skills includes knowledge of...

    Published On: September 29th, 2023|
  • Resource Description This resource offers a unique opportunity to prepare for interpreting in medical settings, particularly those within a Gastroenterology department. Originally conceived as a companion to “STOMACH THIS! The Digestive System in ASL and English,” this resource allows interpreters to apply the understanding developed in an academic setting to working in a clinical setting. The resource is set up to provide you with an opportunity to both observe an actual interpretation and practice on your own. You can go through the process of preparing for the assignment, handling check-in at the reception desk, meeting the Deaf patient, and [...]

    Published On: September 12th, 2023|
  • [English Transcript] Project Level Up has created a self-directed track that is open to anyone who wants to take their abilities to the next level related to interpreting in healthcare settings. You could be a certified or non certified interpreter, a working professional, or a lifelong learner, to name a few examples. These are the courses available that you can tap in to raise your knowledge and skills. Year 4 of Grant schedule October 2024-September 2025 To learn more information about the course, click on the course title which is also where you will find the course [...]

    Published On: August 14th, 2023|
  • Description: Employment and health are inextricably linked. Employment and income have a direct impact on life expectancy, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Relatedly, medical health has a direct impact on employability. Employment can improve an individual’s physical and mental well-being, while job loss can have a detrimental effect. At the same time, poor health can impact the ability of an individual to get and maintain a job. Working age people with disabilities are less likely to be employed than those without disabilities. They are also more likely to have depression, anxiety, and chronic disease including diabetes, heart [...]

    Published On: August 4th, 2023|
  • This course will be available February 1-28. This offering comes from the explanation and perspective of a Deaf Audiologist. It will introduce you to fundamental background information about the general process of hearing, hearing-related appointments, and assistive technology you may be in contact with during these interactions.

    Published On: July 27th, 2023|
  • This course will be available August 1-31. Employment and health are inextricably linked. Employment and income have a direct impact on life expectancy, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Relatedly, medical health...

    Published On: July 27th, 2023|
  • This course will be available Jan 1-31. The goal of the learning modules is to focus on different aspects of public health. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs.

    Published On: May 30th, 2023|