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Interpreting a Visit to an Emergency Department

Funded with support from
The BlueCross and BlueShield Foundation of Minnesota
Created by Doug Bowen-Bailey for

(c) The College of St. Catherine, 2005
in collaboration with

St. Mary’s/Duluth Clinic Health System,
Digiterp Communications, LLC.,

This video shows a simulated visit to an emergency department by a Deaf patient and allows interpreters the chance to practice their interpreting skills in emergent care. The video on the DVD offers both consecutive and simultaneous formats, as well as a version showing the actual interpretation generated during filming.

Online, the video is currently only shown in simultaneous format and with the actual interpretation. We are working on putting the consecutive video online.

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Study Materials

Hurry Up & Wait – Overviewstudy-packet
Study Packet for DVD
Prep for "Hurry Up & Wait"
Relationship between Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretingreading
Your Assignmentreading
Tour of the Emergency Department, video exercise
The Initial Interviewvideo-series
The Physician’s Initial Assessmentvideo-series
Interpreting an EKGvideo-series
Interpreting a Visit from the Labvideo-series
The Physician’s Assessmentvideo-series
Discharge Instructionsvideo-series
Interpreting in Healthcare Vlogvideo-series
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