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  4. An Appointment in Gastroenterology
  5. Describing Recommended Procedures – Interpretation


Describing Recommended Procedures – Interpretation

With the framework provided, now go ahead and view the interpretations. You may choose to focus on one of the features or strategies which Dr. Metzger suggests are a part of interpreted interactions.

This video shows the actual interpretation of the first segment from when this appointment was filmed. In it, you can see the camera angle focused both on the deaf person and on the nurse and interpreter. (6:51)

Technical Note: In placing all the tracks into one video file, not all of the audio tracks lined up with the video. So, when Nancy and Mary Jane speak, their voices are sometimes not exactly coordinated with their lips. This is a problem with the video itself and not your mind. –DBB

Perspectives on the Interpretation

Meet the Interpreter

In this video, Nancy Niggley introduces herself.

On the Interpretation

This video shows reflections by Nancy Niggley, the interpreter shown in the model interpretation. Nancy offers her perspective on what factors influenced her choices in the interpretation.

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