Bike Accident
by Jimmy Beldon, Jr.
English Translation by Courtney Hanrahan and Richard Laurion
Ow! My shoulder is in so much pain. Last night while I was riding my bike I flipped and slammed my shoulder on the ground. I think it’s broken — I can hardly lift it and it causes me tremendous pain. Two weeks ago I was pitching for my baseball team. I’m the only one who can pitch and we’re headed for a big Deaf national tournament next week in California. I want to go. I hope this shoulder isn’t broken, I really hope. If it isn’t broken I need to get some therapy for it, now! Someone told me you could do different treatments and ultrasound therapy might help. I really want a specialist like the Pros get. You see them getting hurt one week and then after treatment back in the game the next like normal. I want someone who can treat me and get me back in the game and ready for the tournament . . . someone who can put my shoulder back in place. I wanted to get your opinion on what I should do.